Belief in the divine vicegerency of the human leads to differences in the schools of human sciences. The elucidation of the "criteria" according to which humans have been deemed worthy of vicegerency, while angels, the heavens, the earth, and mountains have been deprived of it, holds great significance. An examination of the evidence in the verses related to the appointment of vicegerency for humans and the verse concerning the carrying of God's trust by them reveals important points in resolving this issue. In verse 31 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the teaching of names to Adam (peace be upon him) is cited as the criterion for his vicegerency. Reflecting on the verse suggests that this learning encompasses knowledge of all divine names and attributes, as well as knowledge of all creatures. Verse 72 of Surah Al-Ahzab also speaks of the heavens, the earth, and the mountains refraining from accepting God's trust, while humans, being wrongdoers and ignorant, accepted it. According to this research, there is a meaningful relationship between the two aforementioned attributes and the acceptance of this responsibility. The criterion uniquely found in humans is their capacity for voluntary purification, enabling them to traverse the path of divine vicegerency, moving from the depths of oppression and the darkness of ignorance towards the light of justice and the lofty degrees of knowledge, ultimately becoming the sincere servant and annihilated one, God's vicegerent on earth and a manifestation of all divine names and attributes.