Linda Zagzebski tries to justify religious beliefs, including the belief in the existence of God, by argumentation based on virtue epistemology. According to her view, the justification of religious beliefs does not differ from that of other beliefs in this regard. A key to justification is self-trust, and self-trust is also a necessary foundation for the justification of religious beliefs. Self-trust is also the basis of trust in others, and trust in those who believe in God. The proper utilization of the cognitive faculties of the soul or self constitutes epistemic virtue. Epistemic virtue achieves its highest status through the conscientious and skillful deployment of epistemic virtue. Since this virtue, wisdom, is found in those revered withing their religious communities, believers can truest the beliefs of these wise authorities. In this article this disputable view is evaluated to the best of the author's abilities. I have a few things to say about this topic. We should meet to discuss it further.