In Allamah Tabatabaii’s view, “best interest” means that “a thing exists on the requirement of its main nature in such a way that proper and suitable goodness and benefit is related to it, without being corrupted and deprived from good effects. This meaning of “best interest” can be analyzed into five components: 1. “best interest” is an existential continuous fact; 2. “best interest” is the requirement of main nature of things; 3. the condition of requirement of nature is the lack of obstacle; 4. In case of lack of obstacle, the effect of requirement of main nature of things is the successive order of goodness and benefit suitable to the rank of things; 5. The main nature of things inclines towards “best interest”. The provided analysis of “best interest” is a general title that admits some conditions based on which is divided into different types as follows” “psychic and relative”, “relative and absolute”, “related to essence and act”, genetic and revealed”, “stable and changing”; “personal and social”, “material and spiritual