معرفت کلامی، سال ششم، شماره اول، پیاپی 14، بهار و تابستان 1394، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    The Divinity of the Language of the Quran and the Issue of Understanding;

    A Critique of Mojtahid Shabestari Views


    Ahmad Hussein Sharifi / Associate Professor of philosophy department, IKI       

    Received: 2015/01/24 -Accepted: 2015/06/09                                         sharifi1738@yahoo.com



    Is the Quran the word of God or the word of human? This question has been raised since the era of descent of the Quran. Each of the deniers of prophethood has somehow repudiated the divinity of the language of the Quran. The contemporary orientalists and some of those who claim intellectuality in the Muslim world have also discussed this question seriously. Following some philosophical hermeneutists, Mohammad Mojtahid Shabestari argues that a concept is understandable only if it belongs to human. He accordingly claims that if the Qur'an is God's word, then it cannot be understood and interpreted by human. In this paper, using an analytical and philosophical method, this claim as well as its proofs was investigated through basic and internal criticism. The findings show that there is no relation between understanding the Quran and considering it as being human. The proofs presented for this claim all include a variety of logical fallacies.


    Key words: language of the Qur'an, the word of God, human word, understanding and interpretation, Mohammad Mojtahid Shabestari.


    Considering Revelation as Visionary;
     A Critique of Abdulkarim Soroush’s Views

    Abolfazl Sajedi / Associate professor of theology department, IKI sajedi@qabas.net

    Hamed Sajedi / M.A Student of Philosophy of Interpretation, Hawzah and Danehgah research center                                                                                                     sajedi2@gmail.com

    Received: 2015/01/20 -Accepted: 2015/06/25



    One of the assumptions recently made by some authors is considering revelation as a dream and replacing the notion of "interpretation of the Quran" with "explanation of the Quran". In this hypothesis, revelation is considered as a kind of dream and therefore understanding its contents is only possible through interpretation. Abdulkarim Soroush claims that this hypothesis enjoys enough textual and historical evidence. The present paper reviews the evidence for this hypothesis and, through a phenomenological outlook, sets the following criteria for judgment about this issue: reference to the revelation itself, the states and words of those who have a revelation from God, and the people who are closest to them. This article rejects his proofs for denying any verbal communication between the creator and the creature in revelation, and then presents evidence for the realization of revelation in the state of wakefulness. At the end of the paper, it is proved that revelation, even if it is a dream, does not need to be interpreted and explained. In this library - based study, an analytical – critical research method is used.


    Key words: the word of God, the Quranic revelation, dream, interpretation, Abdulkarim Soroush.


    he Origin, the Genesis and the Early Stage of Human’s Religion;
    A Review of Dr. Shariati's Views

    Mohammad Fooladi / Assistant Professor of IKI                                         fooladi@iki.ac.ir

    Received: 2014/12/18 -Accepted: 2015/06/15



    Using an analytical and documentary approach, this paper aims to explore the views of social thinkers and religious scholars and to investigate the origin of religions and the early stages of human’s religion. Through analyzing and studying the views of Shariati in this field, the paper extracts his religious theory and its alignment with the prevailing religious view taken from the pure teachings of Quran and Ahlol-beit. With regard to the theories about the advent of religions, theories of fear, ignorance, economy, animism, and nature worshipping, innate nature are put forward and some points which are worth considering are proposed in each theory. Shariati discusses all the views in this regard and considers human society as equivalent to "worship”. He does not prefer any particular theory; but he regards "polytheism" as the beginning stage of human religion in which the prophets are sent to awaken the human’s God-given nature and to invite people to monotheism. This understanding is not in line with the current religious theory derived from the Qur’anic teachings.


    Key words: origin of religion, early stage of religion, fear, ignorance, economy, Animism, nature worshipping, innate nature, Shariati.

    An Investigation into the Truth of Faith, its Characteristics and Consequences in Al-Mizan Commentary


    Nematollah Badakhshan / Assistant Professor of Shiraz University                 nbadakhshan2@gmail.com

    Received: 2014/11/19 -Accepted: 2015/03/30                                                                               



    The issue of the truth of faith, its characteristics and consequences is one of the most pivotal subjects of theology. Explanation and scrutiny of this subject can play a significant role in correction of the theoretical viewpoints and beliefs of man.

    Moreover, it practically serves a substantial role in correcting the behavior and actions of man. With reference to the works of Allameh Tabatabai, especially Al-Mizan commentary, the present paper tries to examine his views on the subject. In this investigation, at first his definitions of the truth of faith are explained briefly, and then the elements included in these definitions are discussed under some rubrics. So that his view of the elements of the inherent nature and structure of faith is clarified. Following that, some of the features of faith such as its being optional, the stages and  degrees of faith, and its capacity to increase or decrease are reviewed, and then some of the important outcomes of faith, such as the relationship between faith and practice, the relationship between faith and Islam and morality will be explored and investigated.



    Key words: truth of faith, acknowledgement, belief, commitment, action, science, degrees of faith.

    The Truth of Doctrinal Monotheism
    in the View of Allameh Tabatabai and Alusi Baghdadi

    "A Critique of the Ideas of Wahhabism"


    @ Mohammad Pour Abbas / PhD student of Islamic thoelogy, Allameh Tabatabaii University       mpoor30@yahoo.com

    Mohammad Hussein Khavaninzadeh / assistant professor of theology department, Allameh Tabatabaii University

    Maryam Hassan pour / MA student of philosophy and Islamic theology, Allameh Tabatabaii University.

    Received: 2015/01/18 -Accepted: 2015/05/21



    Doctrinal monotheism is an important manifestation of monotheism and the religious figures in all Islamic sects have always been in agreement on it.      However, there is no common understanding and agreement among them on the truth of religious monotheism or the meaning of polytheism in worship. Since this disagreement is mainly rooted in different understandings of the concept of worship. In this study, in the light of two major Shiite and Sunni commentator, namely Allama Tabatabai and Alusi Baghdadi, at first we have tried to explain the truth of worship through conceptual analysis of the term worship in the Quran.

    Then, having proved the inadequacy and insufficiency of each of those meanings, we have demonstrated that true worship is combinatory. That is, in addition to an act indicative of humility and inner modesty, other components, such as the belief in the divinity and deity of God and independence in divinity and deity, are effective in making an act of worship.


    Key words: monotheism, worship, Tabatabai, Alusee, Wahhabism.

    Unity or Plurality of Ancient Divine Books in the Quran

    Naser Addin Ojaggi /. Assistant professor, Zanjan Universiyt    berenjkar@ut.ac.ir

    Reza Berenj Kar / Professor of Tehran University         Nojaghi51@gmail.com

    Received: 2014/10/29 -Accepted: 2015/04/23



    The ancient book in religious texts refers to the fact that all world events are recorded in this book before they occur. In some religious books, two ancient books are referred to:

    1. The book called “manifest book”, “protected tablet” and “mother of the book”; which is guarded from change and modification.

    2. The book which is changeable and is named” tablet” or the book of obliteration in affirmation.

    Those who believe that the ancient book has been of two kinds refer to verse 39 of Surah Ra'd (the Thunder). Using a descriptive-analytical method and through referring to the Quranic verses, this paper shows that firstly, the above mentioned verse's implication about the existence of two ancient books is uncertain, and there are varying  traditions in this regard. Secondly, the guarded tablet mentioned in the Qur’an cannot be considered as evidence pointing to two kinds of the ancient book, because the Qur’an does not regard this tablet as the ancient book.


    Key words: previous book, Mother of the Book, tablet of obliteration in affirmation, protected tablet, manifest book.

    A Comparative Study on Worshipping beside Tombs from the Perspective of Ibn-e-Taymiyya and the Sunni’s Four Religious Schools


    Hamzeh Ali Bahrami / Assistant Professor of Islamic theology, University of Isfahan


    Mohammad Ali Rostamiyan / Assistant Professor of Islamic theology, University of Isfahan.

    Received: 2014/12/01 -Accepted: 2015/04/12



    Worshipping beside tombs is one of the most important issues of monotheism in worship that is considered forbidden by Ibn-e-Taymiyya. This paper is a comparative study which investigates the authenticity of Ibn-e- Taymiyya's fatwa. In this regard, we explain the meaning of worship and views of Ibn-e-Taymiyya and his evidence compared to the four religious schools. The study found that basically, worship happens where there is the issue of divinity, and those who worship beside the tombs do not believe in such dignity for the person buried inside. This paper shows that, firstly, the basis of Ibn-e-Taymiyya's view is misinterpretation of the verses and referring to weak hadiths. Secondly, his fatwa is against the idea of the majority of Muslims. Because most of Sunni jurists accept the validity of prayer and worship beside tombs unless there is an external hindrance like uncleanness.

    Key words: Ibn-e- Taymiyya, worship, tombs, Sunni, the four religious schools.



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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1394) Abstracts. دو فصلنامه معرفت کلامی، 6(1)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."Abstracts". دو فصلنامه معرفت کلامی، 6، 1، 1394، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1394) 'Abstracts'، دو فصلنامه معرفت کلامی، 6(1), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). Abstracts. معرفت کلامی، 6, 1394؛ 6(1): -