Ma`rifat-e Kalami, Volume 12, Issue 1, No 26, Year 2025 , Pages 7-24

    An analytical Study of the Cumulative Argument for the Existence of God

    Article Type: 
    Hasan / MA in Philosophy, Baqir al-Olum University /
    ✍️ Mohammad javad / Assistant Professor, Baqir al-Olum University /
    From the point of view of some Western philosophers, such as Basil Mitchell, Richard Swinburne, and Caroline Franks Davis, in order to justify the belief in the existence of God, the probability of the proposition “God exists" must be more than 50% of its corresponding evidence-based propositions. From their point of view, the evidence for the existence of God cannot independently increase the probability of gaining correct results to more than 50%, but can only confirm them. Therefore, the existence of God cannot be justified based on each of those arguments. To solve this problem, the mentioned philosophers have proposed the theory of cumulative argument. The logic behind this argument is inductivism and its purpose is to reach a valid belief. Using the analytical-rational method, this paper evaluates and compares the works of some Western philosophers with the principles of Muslim philosophers and finally concludes that from the point of view of most Islamic philosophers, the cumulative argument is not a valid argument for proving the existence of God, but from the point of view of some other Muslim theologians, philosophers, and writers, this argument has a speculative epistemological value in many aspects and, in some cases, is the only way to prove the claim about the existence of God
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :بررسی تحلیلی برهان انباشتی بر اثبات وجود خدا
    از دیدگاه برخی از فلاسفه غربی، همچون بازیل میچل، ریچارد سوئین برن و کرولاین فرنکس دیویس، برای توجیه باور به وجود خداوند، باید احتمال صدق گزاره «خدا وجود دارد» از گزاره های متناظر خودش براساس شواهد و ادله، به بیش از 50 درصد برسد. از دیدگاه آنها، ادله اثبات وجود خدا به صورت مستقل نمی توانند احتمال صدق نتیجه را به بیش از 50 درصد برسانند، بلکه فقط می توانند نتیجه را تأیید کنند. بنابراین نمی توان براساس تک تک آن ادله، به وجود خداوند باور موجه پیدا کرد. فلاسفه مزبور برای حل این مشکل، نظریه برهان انباشتی را مطرح کرده اند. منطق حاکم بر این برهان، استقراگرایی و هدف از آن رسیدن به یک باور موجّه است. ما قصد داریم با روش «تحلیلی ـ عقلی»، تقریرات برخی از فلاسفه غربی را با مبانی فلاسفه اسلامی ارزیابی کنیم و در نهایت نتیجه بگیریم که برهان انباشتی از دیدگاه بیشتر فلاسفه اسلامی، برهان موجهی برای اثبات وجود خداوند نیست، ولی از دیدگاه برخی از متکلمان و فلاسفه اسلامی و نگارنده، این برهان از ارزش معرفت شناختی ظنی در بسیاری از زمینه ها برخوردار است و در برخی شرایط تنها راه اثبات مدعا به کار بردن این برهان است.
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    • ایمیل سوئین برن
    • Dear Hasan
    • Here are my answers to your questions. An inductive argument is an argument which increases the probability of a conclusion. Several inductive arguments taken together, each of which increases the probability of a common conclusion, are cumulative; that is, together they make the conclusion a lot more probable than they would do independently. I think you must discover from your own university whether your thesis examiners will require you to discuss the nature of inductive argument at any great length; your thesis supervisor can no doubt advise you on this. But note that all cumulative arguments are inductive. This is because if a later such argument makes the conclusion of an earlier argument more probable than the earlier argument does by itself, the earlier argument can only have been an inductive or probabilistic argument; it could not have been a valid deductive argument. You ask who ‘started for the first time cumulative arguments for the existence of God’. The phrase 'cumulative argument' is certainly a phrase used only in recent discussions. My predecessor as Professor the Philosophy of Religion at Oxford, Basil Mitchell, wrote a book entitled The Justification of Religious Belief; and he advocated a ‘cumulative case’ for the existence of God. But the idea that more than one argument can increase the probability that there is a God is surely very old. Thus, many early Christian theologians argued to the existence of God from ‘the harmony’ in nature. They pointed out that the different elements of which the universe was made (in their view, these were earth, air, fire and water) were so arranged that they produced night regularly succeeding day, and earth as well as sea (both of which are useful to us), and that the elements were so well balanced in our own bodies as to make an efficient body. See for example the later parts of Athanasius’s work Against the Heathens. Such a writer was arguing that each separate phenomenon produces additional evidence for the existence of God beyond that produced by other phenomena. The main constitutive arguments of my own cumulative case for the existence of God in my book The Existence of God are contained in chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 & 13. Chapter 11 discusses an argument against the existence of God; and the earlier chapters explain the nature of inductive arguments and how together they make a cumulative case. I hope I have answered your questions.
    • With best wishes - Richard Swinburne.
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    , Hasan, , Mohammad javad.(2025) An analytical Study of the Cumulative Argument for the Existence of God. Ma`rifat-e Kalami, 12(1), 7-24


    Hasan ; Mohammad javad ."An analytical Study of the Cumulative Argument for the Existence of God". Ma`rifat-e Kalami, 12, 1, 2025, 7-24


    , H, , M.(2025) 'An analytical Study of the Cumulative Argument for the Existence of God', Ma`rifat-e Kalami, 12(1), pp. 7-24


    , H, , M. An analytical Study of the Cumulative Argument for the Existence of God. Ma`rifat-e Kalami, 2025; 12(1): 7-24